Having a credit card makes our lives easier because it allows us to buy things when we don’t want to carry money around or when we don’t have money on hand especially in times of emergency. And because of that, we tend to forget that nothing in this world is for free so we buy, […]
Archive for the ‘Situations’ Category
Rush hour traffic sucks and there’s no arguing that, but it is inevitable. It happens because shit happens. Imagine you’re running late for work and as your shitty luck would have it, you get caught in rush hour traffic. Great! And you have an important meeting to attend too. Aren’t you one lucky bastard? We […]
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in America is 9.1 percent, although many people are claiming that the real unemployment rate is actually higher than what the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is disclosing. Man, unemployment sucks. It’s hard enough that you need a job in order to survive, […]
Roaches! Hate them to bits! No, I’m not scared of the bloody insect, they’re just simply annoying! Like, listen, have you ever gotten out of bed in the middle of the night, groggy from sleep, walking barefoot heading for the bathroom to heed the call of Mother Nature and then….squish!….something you stepped on felt crunchy […]
As a kid, I love holding newborn mice or rats on the palm of my hand. I was fascinated by their almost soft see-through skin and tiny pinkish paws. I could almost see their internal organs moving while I gently stroke their fragile heads with my finger! Wow! But to some, perhaps even for many, […]